I read this book on holiday, back in 2013, upon the recommendation of my friend. This is the first book of JoJo Moyes that I have read and have been bowled over emotionally by her story. Described as a heart-stopping read, heartbreaking yet uplifting and a book that demands a box-full of tissues by the reviews; it is exactly that.
The main characters, Lou Clark and Will Traynor are impeccably endearing. I fell for Lou straight away, while I learned more about Will as pages of the book flew by. Though it is an uplifting book, I was bawling my eyes out at the end.
This book comes with a strong recommendation. It has lighter moments, especially in the form of Lou Clark bumbling through her life gracefully as she can and dark moments, in the form of Will Traynor’s decision about his own life.
This book stayed with me long after I had finished reading it and it made me think about a certain controversial issue that was the main crux of the novel. I don’t want to give away much as it will spoil the surprise element of the book, but the issue Will Traynor deals with, no doubt has stayed on my mind and made me reconsider my opinions on this controversial matter. Throughout the book I was against it as I loved Will, but I realised, just like his family, I was kind of selfish with that love. Acceptance of that choice was hard but it made me see the other side objectively and empathetically.
A brilliant story of love, friendship, choice, courage, determination and living life to the full!
(this was originally written in my other WordPress blog)